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Welding technology cartel proceedings concluded: EUR 3 million fine imposed on Fronius by Cartel Court at AFCA’s request

The Cartel Court has imposed a fine of EUR 3 million on Fronius International GmbH and G & K Privatstiftung (hereinafter referred to jointly as “Fronius”) following an application submitted by the Austrian Federal Competition Authority (AFCA). The decision is final, marking the successful conclusion of the welding technology cartel proceedings.

On 30 June 2023, the AFCA filed an application with the Cartel Court to impose a fine on Fronius. The AFCA had been informed of the company’s distribution agreements violating cartel law via its anonymous whistleblowing system. These agreements included provisions relating to illegal market divisions with absolute territorial protection, price fixing and the prohibition of competition within the scope of the distribution system for welding technology products (see press release of 4 July 2023). Fronius was involved in anti-competitive agreements with its authorised dealers throughout Austria between the period from 26 January 2007 to 2 July 2021.

Fronius was granted leniency, and has since cooperated continuously and fully with the AFCA. The company was fined EUR 3 million (see press release of 30 October 2023).

Proceedings against further involved companies have already been concluded. Haberkorn was fined EUR 870,000 (see press release of 13 March 2024) and Zultner EUR 505,000 (see press release of 28 March 2024) with final effect.

All investigations and court proceedings in relation to the welding technology cartel have now been concluded with final effect. However, the AFCA may resume its investigations should it receive any new information.