Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and its Competition Committee, as well as the Working Parties on Competition and Regulation and Co-operation and Enforcement, are important forums for the discussion of competition policy issues. These forums are used to meet and talk about relevant competition issues on a regular basis. The AFCA contributes actively, both taking part in discussions and submitting written papers.

The Competition Committee and its Working Parties meet twice a year in Paris. The OECD Global Forum on Competition meets every year and includes a wider group of participants. It brings together OECD members and delegates from more than 110 countries worldwide to discuss key topics on the global competition agenda.

Natalie Harsdorf has been the OECD Competition Committee’s UNCTAD Coordinator since 2018, a position for which she was unanimously selected. Austria also joined the OECD Competition Bureau for the first time upon her appointment.

The AFCA has submitted numerous written statements and taken part in many discussions on current and relevant competition topics over the last few years. Some of these statements and contributions to discussions were as follows (including links):

Further information about the OECD can be found here.

Annual report of the BWB for the OECD 2021

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Annual report of the BWB for the OECD 2018

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Annual report of the BWB for the OECD 2017

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Annual report of the BWB for the OECD 2016

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Annual report of the BWB for the OECD 2014/2015

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