Internationcal Competition Network (ICN)
![[Translate to Englisch:] ICN Logo [Translate to Englisch:] "International Competition Network](/fileadmin/user_upload/Bilder/Contentbilder/ICN%20Logo.jpg)
Founded in 2001 by 14 competition authorities and now encompassing more than a hundred members, the International Competition Network (ICN) offers competition authorities worldwide an informal, project-oriented network to bolster cooperation in relation to anti‑cartel enforcement.
The ICN working groups deal with issues from all areas of competition law (merger control, cartels, abuse of market dominance), as well as a range of cross-sectoral issues. The working groups convene mostly online. Results are then presented for discussion at a plenary session and in workshops dedicated to individual competition topics at the ICN Annual Conference.
The AFCA has been a member since the ICN’s foundation in 2002 and is actively involved in discussions and sharing information. Further information about the ICN can be found here.
At the 2020 ICN Annual Conference, held online due to the pandemic, competition authorities discussed issues regarding the digital economy.
In this context, Natalie Harsdorf answered the following questions in a video:
- Is antitrust enforcement properly equipped to address the challenges in the digital economy?
- What are the key considerations for agencies and policymakers addressing competition in the digital economy?
ICN about Merger in Austria
ICN about Cartels in Austria