Merger Notification - Announcement according to § 10 Cartel Act
Wienerberger AG; Terreal Holding S.A.S.
On 20.12.2022 the Austrian Federal Competition Authority was notified of the following merger:
Planned purchase process
Die Wienerberger AG, Österreich, beabsichtigt, sämtliche Anteile an und alleinige Kontrolle über die Terreal Holding S.A.S., Frankreich, zu erwerben (mit Ausnahme von deren Beteiligungen an der Creaton Polska sp.zo.o., Polen, und an der Creaton South East Europe Kft., Ungarn, sowie des österreichischen Vertriebs der Creaton GmbH).
Industry sector: C - Verarbeitendes Gewerbe/Herstellung von Waren
Deadline for bringing in an application pursuant to § 11(1) Cartel Act will end on 31.07.2023.
Entrepreneurs whose legal or economic interests are affected by the merger can bring in a written statement at the Federal Competition Authority or the Federal Cartel Prosecutor within 14 days from publication date.
Note: The intervening party has no right to a certain treatment of the statement and will not gain a party position.
On 28.12.2022 the applicant requested the extension of the deadline for the submission of an application for examination by two weeks, pursuant to § 11 (1a) Cartel Act. The deadline for the submission of an application for examinations by the administrative authorities is extended by two weeks, thus ending on 31.01.2023.
The deadline for reviewing the merger was extended to 6 months by resolution dated on February 16, 2023. The new deadline is July 31, 2023.
Datum des Prüfungsantrages durch die BWB: 31.01.2023
Datum des Prüfungsantrages durch den Bundeskartellanwalt: 31.01.2023