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Update market inquiry into food delivery platforms: survey of food establishments and their online food and drink delivery activities

The Austrian Federal Competition Authority (AFCA) is currently looking into online home delivery platforms for food and drink.

The Austrian Federal Competition Authority (AFCA) is currently looking into online home delivery platforms for food and drink (for more information see AFCA’s press release of 9 March 2023). The goal is to analyse the market conditions and market concentration of online food delivery platforms given their growing importance for both consumers and food establishments.

Survey of food establishments

As part of this market inquiry, the AFCA is conducting a survey of restaurants and other takeaway companies in Vienna. The aim is to get a clear understanding of how these platforms work and to assess whether there are impediments to well-functioning competition.

Via an online survey tool, more than 2,500 Viennese food establishments that have been or are currently listed on one of the two major online delivery platforms (Foodora/Mjam and Lieferando) will be asked to answer questions, and will have the opportunity to share their view of the prevailing market conditions.

If you are a third party and aware of competition issues, please contact the AFCA anonymously via our whistleblowing system or directly by email at POST.Bestellplattformen[at]bwb.gv.at.