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Cartel and procurement law: AFCA and BAK present their Compliance Compass at Mayors’ Day

The Austrian Federal Competition Authority (AFCA) and the Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAK) cooperate with each other and are united in their fight against corruption, organising a seminar series covering various topics at the interface of cartel law and anti-corruption efforts. It is the first seminar series of its kind and aims to create a Compliance Compass for decision makers at local authority level.

Presentation of Compliance Compass

The seminar entitled “Compliance Compass for municipalities. Guideline for legal certainty in public procurement” should make decision makers at local authority level (cities and municipalities) more aware of and better able to cope with the complex issues in public procurement. In this new, two-day seminar BAK and AFCA experts explain the intricacies of public procurement, outline typical stumbling blocks, present potential ways of minimising procurement risks and discuss current amendments to procurement law.

Objectives of the seminar

Contents of the seminar:

  1. Cartel law: Participants will gain a basic understanding of the laws and regulations prohibiting cartels. They will learn how to recognise anti-competitive conduct.
  2. Procurement law: Participants will learn about the legal framework conditions surrounding public procurement, including the procedures to be followed when awarding contracts to bidders and contractors.
  3. Corruption prevention: Participants will develop an awareness of the various forms of corruption and how to prevent them.
  4. Compliance and integrity: Participants will hone their prevention skills in connection with cartel law, procurement law and tackling corruption.
  5. Answers and guidance: AFCA and BAK experts will discuss current questions and issues relating to cartel law, procurement law, anti-corruption efforts and compliance in a practice-oriented format.
  6. Current legal situation: AFCA and BAK experts will explain current statutory amendments and provide practical guidance on handling typical procurement procedures at municipal level.

About the inter-institutional cooperation

Natalie Harsdorf, Director General of the AFCA, and Otto Kerbl, Director of the BAK, signed a cooperation agreement in June (see press release of 3 July 2024). Its aim is to fight corruption, cartels and concerted practices, as well as to step up joint efforts in education and prevention. The new compliance seminar, which was presented at the Mayors’ Day, marks the start of this cooperation.

For further information (in German) and to register for the seminar, please go to: Compliance Compass: Austrian Federal Competition Authority (AFCA).