Merger Notification - Announcement according to § 10 Cartel Act
Philia HoldCo Coöperatief U.A.; Gilde Buy-Out Fund VI C.V.; Gilde Buy-Out Partners B.V.; WinIT Holding GmbH; WinIT Co-Invest GmbH & Co. KG; Emeram Capital Partners GmbH
On 09.12.2021 the Austrian Federal Competition Authority was notified of the following merger:
Planned purchase process
Gilde Buy-Out Fund VI C.V. and Gilde Buy-Out Fund VI 2 C.V., ultimately controlled by Gilde Buy-Out Partners B.V., intend to indirectly acquire through the newly established special purpose vehicle Philia HoldCo Coöperatief U.A. a non-controlling minority interest of 35.33% of the shares in WinIT Holding GmbH. WinIT Holding GmbH is the holding company of various companies, together forming the Init Group. The Init Group, together with its operating subsidiaries Agendo GmbH and Polidia GmbH, is active in the field of IT services and IT software, with a strong focus on digitalization projects in the public sector.
Business sector concerned: Computer programming, consultancy and related activities.
Industry sector: J - Information und Kommunikation
Deadline for bringing in an application pursuant to § 11(1) Cartel Act will end on 07.01.2022.
Entrepreneurs whose legal or economic interests are affected by the merger can bring in a written statement at the Federal Competition Authority or the Federal Cartel Prosecutor within 14 days from publication date.
Note: The intervening party has no right to a certain treatment of the statement and will not gain a party position.
Non-prohibition of the merger
The Federal Competition Authority and the Federal Cartel Prosecutor have not applied for examination of the merger by the Cartel Court. The standstill obligation (§ 17 (1) Cartel Act) ends with effect from 08.01.2022 .