Merger Notification - Announcement according to § 10 Cartel Act
Verkehrsbetriebe Burgenland GmbH; ÖsterreichischenPostbus
On 09.10.2023 the Austrian Federal Competition Authority was notified of the following merger:
Planned purchase process
Verkehrsbetriebe Burgenland GmbH intends to (directly or indirectly via the newly established company Verkehrsbetriebe Nordburgenland GmbH) acquire from Österreichische Postbus Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, a substantial part of a company, in particular buses and bus drivers/employees as well as two operating properties/locations in in Northern Burgenland and Oberpullendorf ("target").
This intended acquistion of the target is the consequence of a procurement procedure based on an EU-wide tender whereby Verkehrsbetriebe Burgenland GmbH and Österreichische Postbus AG intend to establish Verkehrsbetriebe Nordburgenland GmbH. Verkehrsbetriebe Burgenland GmbH will hold 90% and Österreichische Postbus AG will hold 10% of the shares of Verkehrsbetriebe Nordburgenland GmbH Verkehrsbetriebe Nordburgenland GmbH shall offer public transport services by busses (ÖNACE H 49.31-2) in the districts of Mattersburg, Eisenstadt, Eisenstadt Umgebung, Neusiedl and Rust.
ctivity concerned: Section H 49.31 - Urban and suburban passenger land tramport (without taxi)"
Industry sector: H - Verkehr und Lagerei
Deadline for bringing in an application pursuant to § 11(1) Cartel Act will end on 06.11.2023.
Entrepreneurs whose legal or economic interests are affected by the merger can bring in a written statement at the Federal Competition Authority or the Federal Cartel Prosecutor within 14 days from publication date.
Note: The intervening party has no right to a certain treatment of the statement and will not gain a party position.
Non-prohibition of the merger
The Federal Competition Authority and the Federal Cartel Prosecutor have not applied for examination of the merger by the Cartel Court. The standstill obligation (§ 17 (1) Cartel Act) ends with effect from 07.11.2023 .