13.06.2014, Vienna. On 25.3.2014, the Cartel Court (to 26 Kt 19/14) imposed a fine in the amount of EUR 350 000 against Pioneer.
According to Section 29 Z1 lit a and lit b KartG 2005, a fine of EUR 350 000 has been imposed to Pioneer Electronic Deutschland GmbH, due to infringement against Art 101 AEUV and Section 1 KartG 2005, namely vertical pricing agreements in connection with disruption of trade sale (online sale) of electronic products, especially receivers, in the period between 1.1.2010 and 31.12.2012.
The BWB imposed fines at the end of February 2014 against various companies, due to infringing vertical price maintenance in combination with coordinated behavior, which partly resulted in a disruption of the trade sale "online sales" of consumer electronics and household appliances. With court house search warrants, the antitrust court proceedings went ahead with house searches. The above-mentioned decision is final.