Merger Notification - Announcement according to § 10 Cartel Act
Hirsch Maschinenbau GmbH; Erlenbach-Gruppe
On 28.08.2023 the Austrian Federal Competition Authority was notified of the following merger:
Planned purchase process
Acquisition of 100% of the shares in Erlenbach GmbH (with its registered office in 56355 Lautert, Germany, registered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court of Koblenz under HRB 5610 and with its business address at Am Rödchen 1, 56355 Lautert, Germany), Erlenbach Beteiligungs GmbH (with its registered office in 56355 Lautert, Germany, registered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court of Koblenz under HRB 20015 and with its business address at Am Rödchen 1-+2, 56355 Lautert), Erlenbach Machinery Shanghai Co. Ltd. (351 Chengijan Road, Shanghai 201108, People's Republic of China), Erlenbach Machines GmbH (with its registered office in 56355 Nastätten, Germany, registered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court of Koblenz under HRB 27017 and with its business address at Rheinstraße 32, 56355 Nastätten), Erlenbach Machines LLC (302A W.12 th St. #300, New York, NY 10014, U.S.A. [virtual office NY / registered in Delaware]) and Erlen-bach Italia SRL (Via Carloni 78,
22100 Como, Italia, P.I.: IT03804930133 - C.F.. 03804930133); (together "Erlenbach Group") under a SPA by Hirsch Maschinenbau GmbH, registered in the Commercial Register of the Regional Court of Klagenfurt under number FN 97963 p with business address Glanegg 58, 9555 Glanegg, from the sellers Silicium GmbH, registered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court of Mannheim under HRB 728000 with business address Erzberger Straße 18, 68165 Mannheim, Germany and Thorsten Jacoby, Gartenfeldstraße 5, 56357 Holzhausen, Germany. Sicilium GmbH holds 89% and Mr. Thorsten Jacoby holds 11% of the shares in Erlenbach GmbH and Erlenbach Machines GmbH. The subsidiaries of Erlenbach GmbH are Erlenbach Beteiligungs GmbH, registered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court of
Koblenz under HRB 20015 and Erlenbach Machinery Shanghai Co. Ltd. The subsidiaries of Erlenbach Machines GmbH are Erlenbach Machines LLC and Erlenbach Italia SRL.
Economic sector(s) concerned and ÖNACE code: Hirsch Maschinenbau GmbH: Production of machines for processing plastics and rubber Erlenbach GmbH: Production of machines for processing plastics and rubber
Industry sector: C - Verarbeitendes Gewerbe/Herstellung von Waren
Deadline for bringing in an application pursuant to § 11(1) Cartel Act will end on 25.09.2023.
Entrepreneurs whose legal or economic interests are affected by the merger can bring in a written statement at the Federal Competition Authority or the Federal Cartel Prosecutor within 14 days from publication date.
Note: The intervening party has no right to a certain treatment of the statement and will not gain a party position.
Non-prohibition of the merger
The Federal Competition Authority and the Federal Cartel Prosecutor have not applied for examination of the merger by the Cartel Court. The standstill obligation (§ 17 (1) Cartel Act) ends with effect from 26.09.2023 .